Have you ever observed that nearly every single website you visit right now has a link that points to their RSS feed? You're going to come to recognize that this approach, in relation to advertising and marketing your website is a thing that can be extremely powerful. In case you are one of the few internet marketer's that aren't yet taking advantage of this advertising strategy you are going to discover that you are really missing out. As you continue to read this article you will discover precisely why this is such an important part of your internet advertising and marketing efforts.
You're going to discover that one of the best features of having your own RSS feed is that people can subscribe to your feed and they're going to know when you have new content. This way you'll have the ability to get folks back to your site with no addition work on your part. The way this works is that once you publish new content on your website, your subscribers will be told about the new content automatically and they will go back to your internet site to read the new content. Because this is an effortless method to get individuals to come back to your website with no extra work, this is really a very powerful strategy.
You will also find that you'll also be able to take your feeds and distribute them to feed directories for more traffic. What this is going to do is not only make it easier for the various search engines find your new content, but you will also be building backlinks to all the new pages you post on your blog instantly. Essentially this works the same as your subscribers as the feed in the directories will be updated automatically, building you links instantly to your new content. You will see that search engines like Google will end up supplying you with better rankings on account of the backlinks being built automatically.
Yet another thing you are going to find out is that other men and women who have internet sites in your niche may take your RSS feed and place it on their internet site as a method to get fresh content for their internet site. The great thing about this is that for every website owner that does this, you'll be building even more links pointing back to your individual web pages. While you are going to discover that these website links will help your search engine rankings you are also going to be obtaining traffic straight from these other sites.
To put it briefly if you are not using RSS feeds yet as a way to promote your website or blog, this is defiantly something that you need to be doing. If you don't have an RSS feed yet for your site, this is actually a thing that is very simple to set up, and you can find other articles which can walk you through this process.
About the author: Hannah is a writer who specializes in RSS Feeds related topics but also writes for her other ceiling fan, ceiling fan dimmer and remote ceiling fan websites.